Sapphire Las Vegas and Vegas HotSpots were a big hit at the MTV Style Gifting Suite! Plenty of celebs showed up at the W Hotel in Hollywood on May 31 and June 1 to get some free swag. Sapphire and Vegas Hot Spots joined forces to gift attendees with goodies that included ultra-plush robes and slippers, hats, t-shirts, and even iPads for a few very lucky people!
Not surprisingly, most of the celebs were already big fans of Sapphire! Everyone from Christina Milian to Stephen Kramer Glickman (Big Time Rush) had a crazy story about their wild night with us.
For more info/reservations at Sapphire, call 702 869 0003 or visit our website at
There was also a lot of interest in Vegas Hot Spots services, which include everything from setting up table/bottle reservations, dinner, transportation, and anything else you may need while you’re in Las Vegas. And you don’t have to be a celeb to take advantage of what Vegas Hot Spots has to offer! They’re more than happy to help anyone who’s down to have a good time in Vegas.
For more information on Vegas Hot Spots, visit their website at
Check out our photos from the event below!