Seattle VS. New England on Super Sunday with Kendra Lust at Sapphire Las Vegas

Sapphire Las Vegas, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s Club, Kicks Off Vegas’s Biggest & Sexiest Super Sunday Football Party February 1st 2015. Best Super Sunday Football Party in Las Vegas. Are you ready for some Football? How about some beautiful women as well? If that’s the case, you are in luck because Sapphire, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s […]

UFC 168: Weidman vs. Silva 2 is Live on PPV at Sapphire Las Vegas

In the true holiday spirit, UFC gifts fans with a rematch of one of the most memorable fights in UFC history, Silva vs. Weidman Part 2. The first fight had people buzzing for days afterward. Discussions of Weidman’s win being a possible fluke and some even went as far as to say that Silva lost […]

UFC 167 Live on PPV at Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club

As usual Sapphire Las Vegas plans to deliver the ultimate night to UFC fans. St-Pierre vs. Hendricks promises to be exciting all on it’s own but why not throw in some alternative incentives? Not only will there be great food, there will be drink specials, $1 dances, and 100 inch screens. If you purchase your […]

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