Seattle VS. New England on Super Sunday with Kendra Lust at Sapphire Las Vegas

Sapphire Las Vegas, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s Club, Kicks Off Vegas’s Biggest & Sexiest Super Sunday Football Party February 1st 2015. Best Super Sunday Football Party in Las Vegas. Are you ready for some Football? How about some beautiful women as well? If that’s the case, you are in luck because Sapphire, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s […]

Sapphire Las Vegas Celebrates 11th Anniversary on December 12, 2013

Turning the Corner on the Next Decade as Las Vegas’ Premiere Gentlemen’s Club. Las Vegas, NV, December 6, 2013 – “We’ve been blessed to have had such a rewarding year with over 350,000 visitors to Sapphire this past year at the club and Sapphire also had a successful opening season of the Sapphire Pool & Day Club. Sapphire was also voted “Best Gentlemen’s Club […]

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