Seattle VS. New England on Super Sunday with Kendra Lust at Sapphire Las Vegas

Sapphire Las Vegas, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s Club, Kicks Off Vegas’s Biggest & Sexiest Super Sunday Football Party February 1st 2015. Best Super Sunday Football Party in Las Vegas. Are you ready for some Football? How about some beautiful women as well? If that’s the case, you are in luck because Sapphire, The World’s Largest Gentlemen’s […]

UFC 158 Live on PPV at Sapphire Las Vegas

Fresh off the amazing first-ever female Main Event, UFC is back in the ring on March 16 in Montreal, Quebec. The main event will be the Welterweight Championship bout between champion Georges St-Pierre and challenger Nick Diaz. Come to Sapphire to watch UFC 158 on our three 100″ HD screens and enjoy our dollar dances […]

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